Collaborator Agreement

Central to History Lab is its partnership with 2SER and its stable of brilliant producers, many of whom, in a fragmented media landscape, are simultaneously working for major broadcasters and brands. Trained in media and communications, these audio-makers are a new breed of journalists. If History Lab is a platform for doing history, it is also crucially a nesting ground for the nation’s rising generation of audio-makers, providing opportunities for career development, mentoring and leadership as well as the support of the History Lab and 2SER network.

But making really good audio requires time and money.

The cost to a Collaborator for a History Lab standard episode package = $11,700. This figure is already substantially subsidised by the Australian Centre for Public History (ACPH) and 2SER and a full outline of what it includes is detailed in Appendix B, below.

Despite the good value this package represents, we know it may be a lot of money for researchers, so please contact us to discuss any elements of the package. Note also that the pitch document gives you an option to submit a pitch, even if you do not have full funding in place.

In the United States, history podcasts such as Backstory receive significant support from scholarly academies, sponsors, and philanthropic foundations. We would love to develop this kind of backing for History Lab (so if you are a philanthropist or foundation who believes that thinking together about the past matters, please do get in touch!)

Ideas for funding

2SER and the Australian Centre for Public History (UTS) are happy to work with Collaborators on the submission of internal and external grant applications. For more information please do contact us.

This is an overview of the agreement between the Collaborator, 2SER and the Australian Centre for Public History (ACPH) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) for the arrangement and production of a History Lab podcast episode. A detailed form of agreement will be signed by both parties at point of commissioning.

As a History Lab Collaborator you agree to:

  • Provide 16 hr (min) input over 6-10 weeks, comprising of the tasks outlined in Appendix A – Collaborator input.
  • Work with 2SER and the ACPH (UTS) to promote your episode through your host institution (especially through working with its media and marketing units) and other channels.
  • Be available and prepared to write short, paired articles (800 words approx.) for publication with our partners, as required.
  • Transfer to 2SER the standard package sum (minimum, and any Extras if required) outlined in Appendix B – History Lab episode cost Agreement, noting that:
    1. 2SER and the ACPH (UTS) are happy to work with Collaborators on the submission of internal and external grant applications
    2. Episodes will only be put into production once payment has been received/secured.
    3. Collaborators from outside Sydney will also need to cover their transport & accommodation costs to Sydney for the in-person recording sessions (or cover the costs of the producer to travel to them) and this should be discussed early in the pitching process.
    4. Potential Collaborators working at UTS should speak first with the ACPH Director.
  • Advise 2SER or ACPH (UTS) of desired release date and other relevant information.
  • Consult with and seek permission from 2SER and ACPH (UTS) on the submission of the episode into any relevant competitions and prizes.
  • Discuss all unforeseen changes to availability or difficulties if they emerge with 2SER (Producer & Exec Producer) and the ACPH (Director).

As History Lab makers, 2SER and the ACPH agree to:

  • Provide the services (standard package) outlined in Appendix B – History Lab episode cost Agreement, and Extras outlined in Appendix C by arrangement.
  • Provide the Collaborator with a sound file and embed code of their final History Lab episode, noting that:
    1. 2SER and ACPH (UTS) retain the broadcast and online rights to the episode and complimentary digital content
    2. 2SER and ACPH (UTS) will retain a copy of the program for archival purposes.
    3. Extracts of the episode may be used by 2SER or ACPH (UTS) in radio or other programs and/or as trailers
    4. Copyright is retained by 2SER and the ACPH (UTS)
    5. 2SER and ACPH (UTS) can enter the program in competitions and awards open to universities and broadcast organisations.
  • Provide the Collaborator, if requested, with a report on listenership statistics.
  • Discuss all unforeseen changes to availability or difficulties with the Collaborator.

The Executive Producer of History Lab and the Director of the ACPH have the right to audition and advise on all aspects of production and retain ultimate editorial control over the program. Production will take place in 2SER facilities unless otherwise agreed. 2SER and ACPH (UTS) are under no obligation to broadcast or release the finished episode.

The copyright of all programs produced at 2SER is held by 2SER. Station workers and Collaborators may not sell, provide or offer to provide programs to any other media without first clearing this with station management. Copies of interviews or recordings can be given to Collaborators for their personal use. 2SER copyrights work created for and broadcast on 2ser (on 107.3, digital radio, online etc). If 2SER does not have copyright to work, they can not broadcast it.